
The Hedge Fund 100

Ranking Overview Methodology


The results of Institutional Investor’s Alpha’s 15th annual Hedge Fund 100 ranking of global hedge fund firms by assets show that although the total assets managed by the 100 largest firms increased over the previous year, they rose by a paltry 1.5 percent, to $1.66 trillion at the beginning of 2016. This compares with the 7.6 percent increase reported last year and a 6 percent rise at the start of 2014.

Still, some firms managed to grow their assets substantially in 2015. This was particularly true of quantitative firms that employ computer-driven strategies. Altogether eight of the 12 largest hedge fund firms now rely mostly or totally on computers to make their investment decisions.

In the 2016 Hedge Fund 100, we provide each manager’s total hedge fund assets under management as of January 1, 2016, unless otherwise indicated. Where possible, we also show assets at the individual fund level, with net returns for two years and since inception, and 2015 fund capital as reported last year. The ranking last year was based on capital as of January 1, 2015, unless otherwise noted.

Asset totals reflect internally run, single-manager hedge funds and separate accounts, including long-only funds that charge hedge-fund-style fees; they exclude funds of hedge funds, overlay accounts, funds managed by third parties, mutual funds and traditional long-only money, dynamic money market funds, assets in collateralized debt and bond obligations, private equity and venture capital. We gathered data through questionnaires completed by hedge fund managers, supplemented by extensive staff research. Senior Editor Jane B. Kenney compiled the ranking with the assistance of Senior Contributing Writer Stephen Taub. To request a questionnaire for next year’s Hedge Fund 100 ranking, please e-mail your contact details to

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