
The Euro 100

Ranking Overview Methodology

Despite Asset Dip, Allianz Retains Top Spot on Euro 100

Allianz Group tops the Euro 100, Institutional Investor’s annual ranking of the region’s largest money managers, for a sixth consecutive year. The German multinational insurance conglomerate oversees €1.81 trillion ($2.48 trillion), down slightly from the €1.86 trillion the firm managed last year.

Another multinational insurer, France’s AXA, returns in second place, with €1.18 trillion, up from €1.12 trillion in 2013.

BlackRock, the U.K.–based arm of the U.S. financial services behemoth, leaps from fifth place to third after increasing its European assets under management nearly 22 percent, from €742 billion to €905 billion. Its ascension bumps last year’s No. 3 and No. 4 firms, UBS and Amundi Group, respectively, down one notch each despite AUM gains at both institutions. UBS’s asset total surges about 10 percent, from an estimated €761 billion to roughly €842 billion, while Amundi’s also jumps 10 percent, from €746 billion to approximately €821 billion.

Aberdeen Asset Management is the biggest upward mover among the top firms. The U.K.–based entity vaults from No. 26 to No. 12 after increasing its asset total by a jaw-dropping 72 percent, from €224 billion to €386 billion.

Click on Europe’s Top 100 Money Managers in the navigation table at right to view the full list. Subscribers can access additional data, including details on the firms’ portfolio mixes.

For information on how this ranking was compiled, click on Methodology.

How This Ranking Was Compiled

To compile this ranking, Institutional Investor surveyed banks, insurance companies, independent fund managers, foreign money management firms with registered offices in Europe, hedge funds and pension funds. Companies headquartered in Europe were asked to report global assets under management. Non-European companies were asked to report only European-derived assets (invested domestically or internationally) and non-European assets slated for investment in Europe. Senior Research Editor Jane B. Kenney, assisted by Researcher Valentina McKenzie, gathered the data from questionnaires completed by the institutions themselves. We supplemented this information with additional reporting, annual reports and follow-up e-mails and telephone calls.

The numbers are as comparable as possible considering different accounting practices. Assets are stated in euros. In some cases, assets at continental European institutions are higher than reported because their accounting rules require that they value assets at the lower of cost or market value. As a result of currency conversion and rounding, not all columns add up. Unless otherwise specified, 2014 assets are as of June 30, 2014, and 2013 assets are as of June 30, 2013. Totals for 2013 may differ from those previously published, and totals for 2013 may differ from portfolio or subsidiary sums because of rounding.

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