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The Emerging EMEA Sales Team

Ranking Overview Methodology

The developed and emerging markets of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa are keeping investors — and sales teams — on their toes.

“It has been another challenging year for market participants, but with some big shifts in risk appetite — risk on — for Turkey and Greece,” said Camille Asmar, head of equity sales for Europe and emerging markets at HSBC. “As expected, capital markets remain buoyant in MENA, notably Saudi Arabia and the UAE.”

With volatility persisting in Eastern Europe since Russian invaded Ukraine more than a year ago, the continued shift to the Middle East and North Africa has been “remarkable,” according to Asmar, who reported that interest in the region keeps increasing on a daily basis. “This continues to be front and center in our daily conversations with our clients,” he added. “Our heritage, leading position and commitment to this market makes us one of the leading brokers in the region.”

HSBC’s equity sales team in MENA is intrinsic to its global equities offering, said Asmar. “We have invested in the development of our people and have one of the most consistent and dedicated teams on the street in the region,” he said. “Today, thanks to them, we have been bridging markets between the East and West for our corporate and institutional clients globally.”

This dedication has been rewarded again, according to the respondents to Institutional Investor’s 2023 Emerging EMEA Sales Team survey. HSBC is No. 1 based on the responses of 328 buy-side money managers at 228 firms with substantial holdings in the region.

For Institutional Investor’s 2023 Emerging EMEA Sales ranking, we invited participants to rate firms on their sales teams.

Voters rated firms on 6 attributes: adding value to research, global context, idea generation, market knowledge and feel, service and responsiveness, and understanding client needs. We received responses from 328 buy-side money managers at 228 firms.

Each vote was weighted by the voting firm’s Emerging EMEA commission range and the rating awarded to create the rankings. The Sales Leader’s table was calculated by adding together a firm’s overall scores within each attribute to produce a table of the top ten firms.

Voters are required to meet eligibility requirements, and all ballots are subject to review by II’s Research Operations Group.

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