
The China 20

Ranking Overview Methodology

Institutional Investor recently conducted its 11th China 20 Money Managers survey, which reveals that the nation’s top 20 mutual fund managers now have assets under management exceeding $1 trillion, a milestone for the industry, which began only in 1998 when regulators first began allowing professional investment managers to market their services to the public at large.

Since 2005, II has ranked China’s top mutual fund managers by AUM. The rankings are a result of a survey of top funds’ assets for the 12 months ending March 31.

How this Ranking Was Compiled

Institutional Investor’s 12th annual China 20 ranking identifies the country’s top fund managers by assets under management. New York-based Senior Research Editor Jane B. Kenney, with the assistance of Researcher Serina To in Hong Kong, compiled the ranking from a variety of sources, including questionnaires the institutions filled out themselves. II staff refined these data through follow-up e-mails and telephone calls. When official data were unavailable, II obtained figures from websites and other public sources. All figures are in millions of dollars, as of March 31, converted from yuan using the exchange rate on that date. Portfolio totals may not equal assets under management because of currency conversion and rounding.

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