How the Ranking Was Compiled In Alpha’s 2008 Asia Hedge Fund 25, we provide each manager’s total assets under management as of March 31, 2008. Where possible we also show assets at the individual fund level, with net 2007 and first-quarter 2008 returns. Asset totals reflect a firm’s internally run single-manager funds and separate accounts, including actively managed long-only hedge funds. Totals exclude funds of funds, funds managed by third parties, dynamic money market funds, private equity and venture capital. Assets in managed-futures accounts are stated as actual (cash) rather than nominal (trading level) values, unless otherwise noted. Assets run anywhere in the world are included, as long as the firm is wholly owned by a parent company that is headquartered in Asia.
We gathered the data through questionnaires completed by hedge fund managers and supplemented by extensive staff research. In some cases, asset totals or returns represent our estimates.
Of course, we may have missed some firms that belong on the Asia Hedge Fund 25. To receive a questionnaire for next year’s ranking, please email us at
This ranking was compiled by Associate Editor Timothy Roberts under the guidance of Assistant Managing Editor Sathya Rajavelu and Senior Editor Jane B. Kenney.
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