Bright Spots Amid the Gloom for Asia 100 Firms Asia-based managers have faced numerous challenges in the past 12 months, including slowing regional growth, weaker corporate profits and a repatriation of emerging-markets assets as institutional investors pulled their money out of the region in favor of seemingly safer domestic markets. Still, Asia’s 100 biggest asset managers had grown their funds under management to $13.8 trillion as of March 31, representing growth of 5.8 percent from 12 months earlier, according to the 2012 Asia 100, Institutional Investor’s annual ranking of the region’s leading asset management companies.
Methodology Institutional Investor’s 19th annual ranking of Asia’s biggest institutional investors was compiled from a variety of sources, including questionnaires filled out by the institutions themselves, company web sites and annual reports, and regulatory agencies. II researchers refined this data through follow-up e-mails and telephone calls. When official data were unavailable, we obtained figures from actuaries, brokerages and consulting firms. Estimates are footnoted where used.
Senior Editor Jane B. Kenney led the project.
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