For the third year straight, Kotak Securities topped the All-India Research Team, Institutional Investor’s annual ranking of the country’s leading equity research analysts.
The Mumbai-based brokerage placed first in II’s rankings of both individual analysts and analyst teams, solidifying its position as India’s top research firm.
This year, research firms were evaluated in two separate leaders’ tables, with one based on individual analysts’ scores and the other based on collective teams’ scores. For the team ranking, votes for individual analysts and strategists were combined to form a firm’s team in each sector.
In the team ranking, Kotak Securities was followed by second-place UBS, with 14 positions, and third-place Credit Suisse, which earned 11 positions. Morgan Stanley claimed fourth place, while Spark Capital made its All-India Research Team debut at No. 5.
In the individual analyst ranking, UBS again nabbed the No. 2 spot, climbing from fourth place in 2016. Credit Suisse dropped a rung to third place, while Morgan Stanley took fourth. Spark Capital tied for fifth with Citigroup and IIFL.
To select the members of the 2017 All-India Research Team, Institutional Investor sent questionnaires covering 19 investment sectors to buy-side analysts and money managers at leading asset management firms around the world. This year’s ranking is based on responses from 389 individuals at 227 institutions that collectively manage an estimated $190 billion in Indian equity assets.
To select the members of the 2017 All-India Research Team, Institutional Investor sent questionnaires covering 19 investment sectors to buy-side analysts and money managers at leading asset management firms around the world. We received 389 individual’s responses at 227 institutions that collectively manage an estimated $190 billion in Indian equity assets.
Previously, the India ranking was based only on the individual’s score as opposed to the collective team’s score. This year we have introduced a new Leader’s Table based on each firm’s team ranking: Participants were still asked to vote for individual analysts and strategists, but these votes were then combined to form a firm’s team in each sector. A numerical score was produced for each analyst based on the respondent’s Indian equity assets under management and on the rank awarded to the individual (first, second, third or fourth). Those scores were used to determine the rankings. An analyst was designated a runner-up when his or her score fell within 35 percent of the third-teamer’s score. Ranks were determined using those scores. Teams were designated runners‐up when their scores came within 35 percent of the third team’s scores. Voters must meet eligibility requirements, and winners must achieve a minimum vote count. Analysts who switched firms after September 8, 2017, are cited at their previous organizations.
The names of those surveyed and the institutions they work for are kept confidential to ensure their continuing cooperation. Voters must meet eligibility requirements, and winners must achieve a minimum vote count. All ballots are subject to review by our Research Operations Group, and final results may be inspected by an independent auditor.
This ranking was compiled by Researcher Amy Tan under the guidance of Associate Research Editor Denise Hoguet and Senior Research Editor Tucker Ewing.
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