China's Top Corporate Access Providers

Ranking Overview Methodology

After three years of intense restrictions, China has finally opened its borders. But one overarching question remains: Is China investable again?

According to the top research providers, the short answer is yes.

“Our outlook for China entering the new year is positive,” said Peng Wensheng, head of the research department at China International Capital Corp. “China’s macroeconomic policies have supported growth, and recent changes to Covid-19 and property sector policies will likely boost economic activity and corporate earnings in the coming quarters.”

When it came to corporate access — the business of connecting investors with corporate executives — Huatai rose five spots to take No. 1. CICC and UBS were each bumped down a spot, coming in at second and third place, respectively. JPMorgan rose one spot to No. 4, while Morgan Stanley dropped two places to No. 5.

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For the ranking of China’s Top Corporate Access Providers, voters were invited to rate firms on criteria at the firm level only across six performance attributes. More than 250 voters at about 200 firms provided responses.

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