
The Euro 100

Ranking Overview Methodology

BlackRock ranks as Europe’s largest money manager in Institutional Investor’s 2017 Euro 100.

As of June 30, BlackRock managed $1.35 trillion in European assets, ranking ahead of French giant Amundi, with $1.28 trillion, and Switzerland’s UBS Asset Management, managing $1.27 trillion.

The Euro 100 measures the European assets managed by all investment groups with a presence on the continent, with only European-derived assets included in the totals. Unlike in previous editions of the Euro 100, this year Institutional Investor assessed parent companies and subsidiaries separately in order to better show how much money is managed by distinct asset management platforms.

The Euro 100 is powered by eVestment and supplemented by information provided by the asset managers to Institutional Investor.

Institutional Investor’s Euro 100 list identifies the top 100 largest asset managers with registered offices in Europe. Parent companies and their subsidiaries are reported separately to identify the distinct asset management platforms for the list. The total Assets Under Management (AUM) figures include only securities managed for a fee or fee equivalent (i.e. spread) for the benefit of a client. Assets include cash, equities, fixed income, derivatives, real estate, and alternative investments. AUM figures for companies headquartered in Europe include their global assets under management. For non-European companies, only European-derived assets (invested both domestically and internationally) were included.

All AUM figures are as of June 30, 2017, except for Aberdeen Asset Mgmt whose AUM figure if as of March 30, 2017 as their merger with Standard Life was completed August 14, 2017.

Institutional Investor’s Euro 100 list is powered by eVestment and supplemented by information provided by the asset managers to Institutional Investor.

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