Joshua Fink

Joshua Fink
Enso Capital Management

In 2002, Joshua Fink founded his own hedge fund firm, Enso Capital Management, when he was only 23. The natural-resources-focused long-short equity firm, which now manages more than $230 million in hedge funds, as well as additional money in separate accounts and other special investment vehicles, started with just $4 million.

For the first six years, the son of BlackRock co-founder Laurence Fink focused on delivering steady returns at the cost of not taking big bets. Then came the market sell-off of 2008. Like most hedge funds, Enso lost money, and Fink suffered redemptions. That experience gave him the confidence to invest how he wanted. Today, Enso has fewer positions and its returns will be more volatile, but performance has been spectacular. Its main fund was up more than 80 percent in both 2009 and 2010, and Fink is having more fun than ever.

Click on the names below to read the profiles of the 30
talented investment professionals featured in our list of the
2011 Hedge Fund Rising Stars.
Name Firm
Eric Alt Hall Capital Partners
Jennifer Croswell SAC Capital Advisors
Clayton DeGiacinto Axonic Capital
Benjamin Durrant ICG Advisors
Jennifer Fan Arrowhawk Capital Partners
Joshua Fink Enso Capital Management
Pierre-Henri Flamand Edoma Capital Partners
Gareth Henry Fortress Investment Group
Erez Kalir Sabretooth Capital Management
Katie Kalvoda Newport Wealth Management
Edward Keller Morgan Stanley
Andrew Laurino Credit Suisse
Svetlana Lee Varna Capital
Gary Lehrman Lombard Odier Investment Managers
Greth Lester Perella Weinberg Partners
Greg Lippmann LibreMax Capital
J. Jason Mitchell GLG Partners
Gaurav Patankar Lockheed Martin Investment
Management Co.
Craig Perry Sabretooth Capital Management
Scott Pittman Mount Sinai Medical Center
Gregory Racz Hutchin Hill Capital
Angela Samfilippo Pine River Capital Management
Jill Schurtz Robeco-Sage Capital Management
Jonathan Shafter Boston Provident
Steven Simmons Maxim Group
Scott Sinclair Cascabel Management
Faisal Syed Pamli Capital Management
Morgan Sze Azentus Capital Management
Oliver Wiener BTIG
Patrick Wolff Grandmaster Capital Management