Energy: Oil Services & Equipment 2009 All-America Research Team

In the winner’s circle for a fourth consecutive year, James Crandell of Barclays Capital “has a real passion for his companies.

James Crandell

James Crandell

James Crandell Barclays

second team Ole Slorer Morgan Stanley

third team Michael LaMotte J.P. Morgan

In the winner’s circle for a fourth consecutive year, James Crandell of Barclays Capital “has a real passion for his companies,” says one client. In November the 56-year-old analyst published a report directing investor attention to outfits with strong international growth prospects and attractive valuations, such as compression-systems manufacturer Cameron International Corp. of Houston. The stock catapulted 114.1 percent, from $16.68 to $35.71, and outdistanced the sector by 65.8 percentage points, through August.

Ole Slorer is in second place for a third year running. The Morgan Stanley analyst “doesn’t follow the pack — he leads it,” cheers one supporter. Slorer initiated coverage of Carbo Ceramics in May with a buy recommendation, at $30.12, citing strong growth prospects for the Irving, Texas–based manufacturer of proppants, which are used to prevent exploratory fissures in rock from closing. In late July, after the stock had advanced 36.7 percent, to $41.18, Slorer downgraded it to hold, on valuation. By August 31 the share price had inched up to $43.05.

J.P. Morgan’s Michael LaMotte repeats in third place. “He is able to step away from the ‘here and now’ and look at what the companies are doing — not saying — in search of real relative investment ideas,” avers one portfolio manager. One such idea: January’s buy recommendation on Switzerland’s Weatherford International, at $11.16, based on valuation and strong recovery prospects for the oil-field services provider. The stock had soared 78.8 percent, to $19.95, by the end of August.


Click here to see the All-America Research Team rankings.
