30 under 30 - Joseph Einhorn


Joe was the first employee of Capital IQ, where he developed the core technology that led the company to achieve rapid penetration in the financial services software market, unseating entrenched industry players like Reuters, Bloomberg, and Thomson Financial at thousands of client sites.


Age: 24
Birthplace: New York City
Education: High School.
Profession: Media/Technology
Current Position: Co-founder, Chief Technology Officer, Inform Previous Position(s): 1st employee of Capital IQ where I developed the technology which was purchased by Mcgraw Hill for $225 million in 2005.

When did you start doing what it is you’re doing? How did you get into it?

At age 16 I needed a job, I got access to a job site for college grads, found an interesting listing, interviewed, got the job.

What was your best day on the job?

When my brother came to work at my company.

Your worst?

No one in particular. Pretty much any day when a company or a person who promised they would sign a check or wire money and didn’t.

If you could change one aspect of your job, what would it be?


What quality has most enabled your success?


What did you spend your first bonus on?

A gift for my mother.

Most memorable encounter with ageism?

I have been fortunate to deal with people who consider my ideas. I have not encountered ageism.

Whats on your iPod right now?

Lake - Death Row Freestyle

Are you reading anything?

Crime and Punishment.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years? Twenty?

Helping people in need everywhere.

Sushi or burgers?
