PPF-Monitored Schemes Deficit Fell To £8.3B

The total deficit of schemes supervised by the Pension Protection Fund lowered from £13.5 billion to £8.3 billion, in June.

The total deficit of schemes supervised by the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) lowered from £13.5 billion to £8.3 billion, in June, Professional Pensions reports. As per the PPF 7800 index, consisting of 6,533 schemes, the funding ratio increased to 99.2% from 98.7% at the end of May.

PPF’s total assets were £1.004 trillion and total liabilities were £1.012 trillion with 4,245 schemes in deficit and 2,288 schemes in surplus. The shortfall decreased by £30.2 billion from last June’s figure of £38.5 billion, while the funding level increased 3.3 percentage points at the same time in 2010.

Click here for the story from Professional Pensions.
