Highland Funds Floats Trend Strategies Fund

Highland Capital Management’s Highland Funds Asset Management has rolled out a trend strategies fund.

Highland Capital Management’s Highland Funds Asset Management has rolled out a trend strategies fund. The Highland Alpha Trend Strategies Fund is a long/short international vehicle structured to give more consistently positive returns and offer low correlation and low volatility compared with regular equity indexes.

The fund is likely to be placed in the Morningstar® Multialternative class. The investment vehicle’s strategy will involve rotating investment positions mainly among country- and region-specific exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and taking long and short positions in broad equity indexes to change the fund’s net exposure over time. The Highland Alpha Trend Strategies Fund is sub-advised by Anchor Capital Management Group.

Click here for the release from PR Newswire.

PR Morningstar® Highland Capital Management Anchor Capital Management Group Highland Funds Asset Management