Merrill Lynch To Liquidate 11 HOLDRs

Eleven of the HOLDRS, narrowly focused portfolios created by Merrill Lynch, are expected to be shut during the fourth quarter of 2011.

Eleven of the HOLDRS, narrowly focused portfolios created by Merrill Lynch, are expected to be shut during the fourth quarter of 2011, Index Universe reports. The products, which have over $4 billion in assets under management, were set up in early 1990s and 2000s. The Telecom HOLDRS with $124 million in assets under management is one of the products being liquidated. Recently, Van Eck Global, the New York-based money management firm, signed a deal with Bank of America unit to buy six HOLDRS, which have a combined $3.65 billion in assets.

Click here for the story from Index Universe.