L&G Picks Skandia As Distribution Partner

Old Mutual Group company Skandia has been selected by Legal & General International (Ireland) and Suffolk Life as their new distribution partner.

Old Mutual Group company Skandia has been selected by Legal & General International (Ireland) and Suffolk Life as their new distribution partner, Investment Week reports. Under the agreement, customers intending to contribute to an International Portfolio Bond from L&G will now be able to hold and manage their investments on the Skandia Investment Solutions platform.

L&G Group’s self-invested personal pensions (SIPP) specialist unit Suffolk Life said its SmartSIPP also offers access to the Skandia platform. L&G ended a distribution contract with U.K. investment platform Cofunds in March for more options ahead of the Financial Services Authority’s Retail Distribution Review, slated for 2013.

Click here for the story from Investment Week.

Skandia Suffolk Life Ireland General International L&G