Taunton Retirement System Seeks Manager

Taunton (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System is looking for a new total return/real return manager.

Taunton (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System is looking for a new total return/real return manager, Pensions & Investments reports. Financial and investment consulting services provider Dahab Associates is the investment consultant of the $200 million system on the process. The selected manager will run $5 million of the retirement system.

It will also be liable to run a diversified global or domestic portfolio consisting of any or all of the investments comprising common and/or preferred stock, fixed income, closed-end funds, master limited partnerships, real estate investment trusts and royalty trusts. The funding for the selection process will come from rebalancing.

Click here for the story from Pensions & Investments.

Mass Dahab Associates Taunton Contributory Retirement System