Ex-Liontrust CEO To Start Global EQ Fund

Nigel Legge, previously CEO of London Stock Exchange-listed Liontrust Asset Management, plans to launch a new fund, the IM Vinculum Global Equity Fund, on January 3, 2012.

Nigel Legge, previously CEO of London Stock Exchange-listed Liontrust Asset Management, plans to launch a new fund, the IM Vinculum Global Equity Fund, on January 3, 2012, FINalternatives reports. The long-only vehicle will comprise 50 internationally listed stocks and target long-term capital growth in excess of the MSCI World TR benchmark.

Legge is working with Bjarne Jensen, current CEO of StockRate Asset Management, Niels Jensen who is managing partner of Absolute Return Partners and marketing and communications expert Douglas Thursby-Pelham. The new fund company, IM Vinculum Funds, will focus on the construction and running of long-only equity portfolios using a proprietary investment method of StockRate.

Click here for the story from FINalternatives.

Liontrust Nigel Legge London Douglas Thursby-Pelham Liontrust Asset Management