Marex Spectron Picks FX Global Head

Chris Eagle is joining Marex Spectron, the brokerage formed earlier this year after Spectron was acquired by Marex.

Chris Eagle is joining Marex Spectron, the brokerage formed earlier this year after Spectron was acquired by Marex, FX Week reports. He will be global head of foreign exchange (FX), based in London and reporting locally to Peter Williams, head of financial markets. Marex Spectron is the largest privately owned broker of financial products in the commodities sector and a leader in brokering physical energy products.

Eagle was most recently an executive director in foreign exchange in London with Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. He has also worked with Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of America and UniCredit.

Click here for the story from FX Week.

London Peter Williams Chris Eagle Marex Spectron Royal Bank