LAFPP Commits $108M To Six PE Funds

Los Angeles Fire & Police Pension System has committed $108.5 million to six private equity funds in the first quarter.

Los Angeles Fire & Police Pension System (LAFPP) has committed $108.5 million to six private equity funds in the first quarter, Pension & Investments reports. The system committed $26 million to the Montagu IV and $16 million to the Summit Partners Growth Equity Fund V11I-A. It has also put $12.5 million in the Landmark Equity Partners XIV, $4 million in the Summit Partners Venture Capital Fund III A and $25 million each in the Centerbridge Capital Partners II and the ABRY Advanced Securities Fund II. Centerbridge, Landmark and ABRY are special situations funds, while Montagu IV is a buyout fund and the two Summit Partners portfolios invest in venture capital.

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