HSBC GAM To Unveil RMB Fund

HSBC Global Asset Management, among the world’s largest emerging markets asset managers, is rolling out a fund that will focus on offshore renminbi denominated instruments, including renminbi denominated bonds and deposits.

HSBC Global Asset Management (HSBC GAM), among the world’s largest emerging markets asset managers, is rolling out a fund that will focus on offshore renminbi denominated instruments, including renminbi denominated bonds and deposits, Citywire reports. The firm’s Asian fixed-income team, based in Hong Kong and headed by Cecilia Chan, will manage the GIF RMB Fixed Income fund.

The Sicav fund will be open to changes in asset allocation to tap market opportunities and to adapt to the evolving regulatory environment. The product will be following a top-down investment approach with bottom-up analysis and will be registered for sale across Europe, adds What Investment.

Click here for the release from Citywire.

Click here for the story from What Investment.

Cecilia Chan Hong Kong Europe HSBC HSBC Global Asset Management