Schroders Plans Global Version Of Asia Fund

Schroders Investment Management is seeking to roll out a global version of its Asian high-yield multi-asset fund.

Schroders Investment Management is seeking to roll out a global version of its Asian high-yield multi-asset fund, Asian Investor reports. The Schroder Asian Asset Income Fund, which began trading on June 27, has already collected approximately $800 million from retail investors. The portfolio targets a 6% return and can invest 30% to 70% of its assets in Asian high-yield bonds, 30% to 70% in Asia high-dividend equities, up to 30% in cash and up to 10% in other asset classes. The U.K. investment manager is also looking to register an identically managed fund as a Ucits III product domiciled in Luxembourg by the end of this year or early next year.

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