The 2016 All-Japan Research Team: Voters Share Their Views

Portfolio managers tell Institutional Investor what they admire about the analysts on this year’s roster.

Every year, after Institutional Investor has tabulated the votes and determined which sell-side analysts make the All-Japan Research Team, we invite voters to tell us what prompted them to support a particular person. Listed below are responses we received about some of this year’s top-ranked researchers. 

Click on an individual’s name to view his or her profile. (Free site registration will be requested of anyone who hasn’t already signed up.)

Daisuke Fukushima “produces useful research that’s important to my investment decisions, especially in this volatile market.”

Shinsuke Iwasa’s “insights in the broadcasting sector have been very consistent — he has chosen well among his coverage which companies to be positive and negative on.”

Masataka Kunugimoto is “very thorough in his research, very clear and easy to understand, and more accurate than the other guys.”

Daisaku Masuno is “the most trusted analyst” in the Telecommunications sector.


Toshiya Mizutani’s “investment opinions and comments on earnings results are always helpful.”

Masao Muraki is “especially good on regulatory changes throughout the region.”

Yasuo Nakane is “cognizant of the sector’s fundamentals and has proven he is very much in touch with market sentiment.”

Taku Ouchi “doesn’t force trades, and he’s very patient in terms of timing the entry and exit points.”

Takumi Sado “is precise, and I rely on his fundamental reports and periodic notes.”

Katsushi Saito is “a very experienced analyst who provides good insight and thoughtful research.”

Ryota Sakagami “always comes up with fresh ideas on how to view the market.”

Norimasa Shinya “understands the nature of the industry very well.”

Naomi Takagi is “excellent at producing very timely updates on stocks.” 

Toshio Takahashi is “always on top of business trends.”

• “His investment judgments on the regional banks are an important differentiating factor” of Ken Takamiya.

Shinobu Takeuchi’s “timely research adds value to our stock-selection process.”

Hidekatsu Watanabe possesses “outstandingly deep knowledge of the domestic health care system and regulations, which results in convincing opinions on the industry outlook and company earnings.”

Mariko Watanabe “always [finds] growing companies no one else covers.” 

Atsushi Yamaguchi’s “reports are very thorough and easy to understand, and he has a good grasp of trends.”

Masaya Yamasaki’s “very wide and timely global data coverage is a good indicator of industry trends.”

II’s 23rd annual All-Japan Research Team reflects the opinions of more than 1,100 individuals at 357 buy-side firms that collectively manage roughly $1.2 trillion in Japanese equities.

Japan Katsushi Saito Ryota Sakagami Naomi Takagi Hidekatsu Watanabe