Robert Goldstein
Chief Operating Officer
Last year: 5
Since becoming chief operating officer of $4.6 trillion-in-assets money manager BlackRock in July 2014, Robert Goldstein has held on to his previous responsibilities as global head of BlackRock Solutions, the technology arm that includes the Aladdin portfolio and risk management systems business and posted $646 million in revenue last year. Goldstein is currently focused on taking BlackRock’s historically institutional technology into the retail realm. The route to mainstream investors goes through FutureAdvisor, a San Francisco–based digital, or “robo,” wealth manager that BlackRock acquired last September, and distribution partnerships with the likes of LPL Financial and RBC Wealth Management. “We’ve taken what we believe is the leading platform for digital advice and we’re institutionalizing it,” says Goldstein, 42, who joined BlackRock as an analyst in 1994, moved to BlackRock Solutions at its start in 1999 and has headed the unit since 2009. “The regulatory environment is helping support an increasing need for risk transparency across all these end-customer portfolios,” Goldstein adds. “We’re delivering best-in-class portfolio construction, risk analytics and content.” He stresses that the New York–based firm is continuing to invest in Aladdin as its core system “while also leveraging new technology to open Aladdin and make its data more accessible in this world of everybody being a data scientist.” Aladdin’s revenue jumped to $528 million in 2015 from $474 million the year before, Goldstein says, with more than half of the total coming from global clients, up from 20 percent in 2010. BlackRock has introduced a version of Aladdin for custodians, fund accountants and other service providers; JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s securities services business is a new client. Goldstein muses that computing advances could significantly change traditional exception-based work flows, which are designed to identify problems needing human intervention. “We never figured out as an industry why the computer can’t do it,” he says. “If technology can identify the problem, why can’t it fix the problem?”
The 2016 Tech 50
1. Catherine 2. Jeffrey Sprecher 3. Lance Uggla 4. Phupinder Gill 5. Shawn Edwards and Vlad Kliatchko 6. R. Martin Chavez |
7. Robert Goldstein 8. Adena Friedman 9. Deborah Hopkins 10. Daniel Coleman 11. Stephen Neff 12. David Craig |
13. Michael Spencer 14. Michael Bodson 15. Charles Li 16. Chris Concannon 17. Blythe Masters 18. David Rutter |
19. Neil Katz 20. Lee Olesky 21. Richard McVey 22. Seth Merrin 23. Robert Alexander 24. Brad Katsuyama |
25. Antoine Shagoury 26. David Gledhill 27. Lou Eccleston 28. Andreas Preuss 29. Dan Schulman 30. Scott Dillon |
31. Mike Chinn 32. Craig Donohue 33. Gary Norcross 34. Steven O’Hanlon 35. Sebastián Ceria 36. Michael Cooper |
37. Tyler Kim 38. Neal Pawar 39. David Harding 40. Chris Corrado 41. Brian Conlon 42. Jim Minnick |
43. Stephane Dubois 44. Mazy Dar 45. Yasuki Okai 46. Kim Fournais 47. Jock Percy 48. Robert Schifellite |
49. Brian Sentance 50. Pieter van der Does |