Japanese Buy-Side Compensation Highlights

Japanese equities investors disclose their base and variable compensation.


Japanese equities investors at investment advisory firms and hedge funds have disparate base and variable (including bonuses, commissions, and options) compensation with those at hedge funds earning higher pay as can be expected. However, their pay in comparison to their global money manager counterparts is more variable when broken down by title.

  • How much do Japanese investors earn in compensation?
  • How does Japanese buy-side compensation compare to their global peers?
  • How does compensation differ by title?

Click the link below to read the full research item and discover the answers to these questions.

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Nearly 100 investment professionals managing Japanese equities disclosed their compensation insights as part of Institutional Investor’s 2019 All-Japan Research Team survey.

*Note: this piece has been updated since its original publication date to replace (2017) United States data with 2018 All-America Buy-Side Compensation data.

United States Japan America Japanese