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Don’t Dilute China with Other Emerging Markets

It’s time to rethink strategy and consider a stand-alone sleeve for this powerhouse economy in your portfolio.

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Lyxor ETF

Lyxor ETF

Chanchal Samadder

Chanchal Samadder

China is liberalising its market and opening up to foreign investors, while more and more Chinese companies now operate internationally, providing goods and services across the globe. Today, China is the largest economy in the world when measured by GDP at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), and by 2030 will be the largest in nominal GDP terms1. China’s equity market is already the second largest in the world by market capitalisation and share of global profits, and the largest when measured by the number of listed companies. This is evidence that China is a large, mature, and resilient market which is too important to be diluted with other emerging markets.

Lyxor GDP chart

Lyxor GDP chart

Lyxor MSCI chart

Lyxor MSCI chart

Learn about the ETF that takes the universe of emerging markets and removes China entirely, following the principle that the country should now be considered as a standalone investment.

1 IMF, World Economic Outlook, October 2018


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