Institutional Investor’s 2013 Money Masters Talk Hedge Funds

In this video on hedge funds, five of the U.S.'s leading institutional investors talk about the latest trends in investing.


Last month, we honored the best asset managers and institutional investors in our fourth annual Investment Management Awards.

“In a world of slow growth, easy money and geopolitical posturing,” we wrote at the time, our winners had “found innovative ways to capitalize on them.” Who better, then, to ask about the current trends in investing and how to approach various asset classes?

Senior Writer Frances Denmark did just that, taking aside five of our winners – Katheryn Crecelius of Johns Hopkins; Joseph Boateng of the Casey Family Programs; Thomas (Britt) Harris of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; Linda Strumpf of the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust; and Susan Racher of the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation – aside to talk to them about the major investing issues of the day.

Katheryn Crecelius Susan Racher Joseph Boateng Harris Linda Strumpf